Countryside Plant Bog Cuptown Moon
165m 130m 50m 195m 20m7️⃣ in air by fuel in coin circle
1800m 860m7️⃣ behind bottom box 1425m7️⃣ caravan 730m7️⃣ 115m
3245m7️⃣ on roof 1615m 1585m 1085m tunnel 1935m
3480m ground floor 2735m3️⃣ in air 2300m3️⃣ in air 1640m3️⃣ in trailer above truck 3075m3️⃣ top left corner of coin star
3755m3️⃣ top floor 3288m 3565m 1855m 3865m
3780m 3690m 3850m on caravan 2120m 4490m left of ledge
5655m 5250m 5005m 3375m 5825m bottom
5995m3️⃣ 5589m3️⃣ on robot’s face 5515m in air 5450m3️⃣ in air 6495m3️⃣ off middle ledge

Source: PE Discord Server

