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Season Rewards
💰 1000K-1500K 800K-1000K 600K-800K 500K-600K 400K-500K 200K-400K 100K-200K 50K-100K 💰
💎 200-400 150-200 100-150 75-100 50-75 25-50 15-25 5-15 💎
⬆️⬆️⬆️               1-1000 ⬆️⬆️⬆️
⬆️⬆️         1-400 1-800 1-1400 1001-2000 ⬆️⬆️
⬆️   1-50 1-200 1-400 401-1200 801-2200 1401-4300 2001-3000 ⬆️
↔️ 1-50 51-300 201-1200 401-2400 1201-4200 2201-11600 4301-29000 3001- ↔️
⬇️ 51-100 301-500 1201-1600 2401-3200 4201-6100 11601-16000 29001-32000   ⬇️
⬇️⬇️     1601-2000 3201-4000 6101-8000       ⬇️⬇️
TE: Popular Parts

Ordered from most popular to less so. Parts used four or more times are highlighted. Parts only used once are excluded.

Vehicle Parts
hotrod CBy Fuely May WT LB SB
RT Wiy WBy CBy AB Fume JS Ma WT
rotator ABy CBy Wiy Ma SB
supercar ABy OTy Wiy Fuely CB SB Fume JS
Buggy Wiy JSy LBy CBy WBy Ma
sportscar ABy HWy WBy Wi CB JS LB
Diesel Wiy JSy THy LB Fume
jeep JSy LBy Wiy SB
Monster ABy SBy CBy HW Wi
Rally ABy Wiy WT Fuel HW LB TH
Sbike ABy CBy AC OT WT Flip SB Wi
tank Wiy LBy CB TH Fume JS SB
chopper Wiy Fuely LBy TH AC CB
formula ABy CBy WTy Fuel Wi
mk2 LBy JSy Wiy
Moto Wiy LBy JS TH
tractor CBy Wiy OT WT AB Fume WB
bus THy Wiy JS
snowmobile Fumey Wiy OTy CB
moonlander Ma CB
scooter JS LB Wi
Mono Wi

-Data from Soulis: ”Once More, With Feeling” to “Beyond Speed”

PE: Setups

Public Event Setups

Event Suggested Vehicle and Parts
2km Adv. Maps Rally Fuel AB Wi/LB
Breaking rally hw wt ab
Cargo sbike/Monster/rotator wi ab cb
Classic sbike/rotator ab cb ot/wi
Downhill rally WT SB AB
Dribble Distance Bus JS Fume CB
Flip Bonus sbike AC Flip WT
Long Jump bus Wi Th JS/Ma
Long Kick Rally ac js th
Mono Wars Mono wi th Fuel
Moon Cargo Bus SB JS th
Moon Jump Bus th wi ma/js
Moon Stunts Buggy AC WT Ma
Moon Timed MoonlanderMaABCB / BusThJSWi/Ma
Multi Jump Diesel/Jeep wi js lb
Nian Chase Rally wt wi cb
No Air Formula WT AB CB
No Fuel, No Air Rally wt hw fume
Pitstop Supercar fume OT
Pumpkin Smash Sbike Wi AB CB
Soccer Supercarrcsbab/sbikesbabcb
Superbike Wars SBike Ab WB/cb/Wi/sb
Target Jump Bus wi js Th
Time-attack SBike Wi Ab cb
Tractor Wars Tractor ab ot cb
Uphill Climb rt wi fume wb
Water Run Snowmobile Wi AB Fuel
Wheelie Buggy Wi WB CB
Zombie Chase Rally Wi WT CB
http://hcr2info.com https://discord.gg/FZPnQbxZTQ

Previous public event tracks

Websites, Tutorials & Spreadsheets


  ▶︎  Official wiki
  ▶︎  Original reddit wiki
  ▶︎  Getting started tips
  ▶︎  Game Manual
  ▶︎  FS News
  ▶︎  FS Tweets
  ▶︎  YouTube

Video Tutorials

  ▶︎  Linus jumpshock tutorial

  ▶︎  Moonlander coin trick tutorial
Moonlander coin trick tutorial
  ▶︎  How to remove part of vehicles

  ▶︎  How to copy team scores to a spreadsheet

  ▶︎  How to build a map using a presentation tool

  ▶︎  How to go up the drop ramps in canyon arena


Virtual League Spreadsheet

  1. The idea is that teams can compete against one another (virtually) and see how they would do
    • Virtual Match : One-on-one vs. another team (select teams via dropdown)
    • Virtual League : Teams ranked based on the total of all pairwise match scores
    • Super Match : Results from one very large match that includes all teams
  2. Enter your individual scores in a free column of the “Input” tab of the sheet. Feel free to clear/overwrite the example teams. Make sure to enter a unique name in the top row, and individual scores below that

  3. Please note that this spreadsheet will only work in Google Sheets. Download link below:
    HCR2 Virtual League.xlsx

Tournament Results Spreadsheet

  • Based on individual player times, this spreadsheet will build a leaderboard
  • Handles up to 15 “days” and 100 players (let me know if you need more and I can expand it)
  • Enter your individual name and scores in a columns on the left. Feel free to clear/overwrite the examples. Make sure to consistently spell player names followed by a single “space” and then the time (or distance)
  • Points per position are on the “Points” tab
  • Please note that this spreadsheet will only work in Google Sheets. Download link below:

Player Progress Spreadsheet


Parts, Costs & Fuel

Parts Required

Parts to: Next Level Max Common Max Rare Max Epic Max Legendary
1 3 2018 368 134 30
2 10 2015 365 131 27
3 17 2005 355 121 17
4 25 1988 338 104 Max
5 34 1963 313 79  
6 45 1929 279 45  
7 58 1884 234 Max  
8 76 1826 176    
9 100 1750 100    
10 140 1650 Max    
11 200 1510      
12 280 1310      
13 410 1030      
14 620 620      
15 Max Max      

Parts Costs

Level Number of Parts Common Rare Epic Legendary
1 3 2,400 4,100 13,000 24,000
2 10 4,600 6,800 23,000 55,000
3 17 7,000 11,000 41,000 120,000
4 25 9,600 19,000 73,000 Max
5 34 13,000 31,000 130,000  
6 45 16,000 50,000 240,000  
7 58 21,000 83,000 Max  
8 76 27,000 140,000    
9 100 35,000 230,000    
10 140 47,000 Max    
11 200 66,000      
12 280 94,000      
13 410 140,000      
14 620 210,000      
15 Max Max      
Total Cost   692,600 574,900 520,000 199,000
Total Parts   2,018 368 134 30
Total Scrap   20,180 18,400 53,600 120,000

Fuel Duration

Vehicle Fuel Duration
Beast 50 seconds
Bus 60 seconds
CCEV 45 seconds / lvl 20
Chopper 55 seconds / Ivi 20
Dune Buggy 44 seconds
Formula 30 seconds
Hill Climber/Jeep 40 seconds
Hot Rod 30 seconds
Lowrider 35 seconds
Mk2 44 seconds
Monowheel 50 seconds
Monster Truck 45 seconds
Moonlander 50 seconds
Motocross 42 seconds
Muscle Car 43 seconds
Racing Truck 50 seconds
Rally Car 40 seconds
Rock Bouncer 45 seconds
Rotator 45 seconds
Scooter 50 seconds
Snowmobile 56 seconds / Ivi 20
Sports Car 38 seconds
Super Diesel 52 seconds
Superbike 30 seconds
Supercar 30 seconds
Tank 56 seconds / Ivi 20
Tractor 50 seconds
Water Bubble 7⅓ seconds
Parts Suggestions
Vehicle Parts
Hill Climber Wings JumpShock LandingBoost
Scooter JumpShocks LandingBoost Thrusters
Bus Wings JumpShocks Thrusters
Mk2 Wings Thrusters CoinBoost
Tractor Wings OverchargedTurbo Afterburner / Wings CoinBoost Afterburner / CoinBoost OverchargedTurbo Afterburner
Motocross Wings Thrusters LandingBoost
Dune Buggy Wings OverchargedTurbo CoinBoost
Sports Car Wings JumpShocks LandingBoost
Monster Truck Wings Afterburner CoinBoost
Rotator Wings Afterburner CoinBoost
Super Diesel Wings JumpShocks LandingBoost / StartBoost JumpShocks Wings
Chopper Wings LandingBoost CoinBoost / Wings LandingBoost Thrusters
Tank Wings LandingBoost CoinBoost / Wings LandingBoost Thrusters
Snowmobile Wings Afterburner OverchargedTurbo
Monowheel Wings Magnet Thrusters / Wings FuelBoost Thruster / Wings JumpShocks Thrusters
Rally Car OverchargedTurbo Afterburner Wings / OverchargedTurbo Wings CoinBoost / OverchargedTurbo Afterburner CoinBoost / WinterTires OverchargedTurbo CoinBoost
Formula Wings JumpShocks LandingBoost / OverchargedTurbo FuelBoost CoinBoost / StartBoost JumpShocks LandingBoost
Racing Truck WheelieBoost CoinBoost Wings / CoinBoost FumeBoost WheelieBoost
Hot Rod LandingBoost CoinBoost FuelBoost / Magnet LandingBoost CoinBoost / FumeBoost CoinBoost LandingBoost
CC-EV Wings LandingBoost CoinBoost/JumpShocks
Superbike Wings Afterburner CoinBoost / OverchargedTurbo Afterburner Wings / OverchargedTurbo Afterburner CoinBoost
Supercar StartBoost OverchargedTurbo Afterburner / Wings OverchargedTurbo CoinBoost / Wings OverchargedTurbo Afterburner
Moonlander StartBoost FlipBoost Magnet / Magnet WheelieBoost CoinBoost
Least-used Parts

These parts are very rarely needed. I would not suggest scrapping them as you never know what the future may hold. Nevertheless, no rush to pay for upgrades.

Vehicle Parts
Hill Climber Heavyweight
Scooter Heavyweight
Bus LandingBoost
Mk2 FlipBoost
Tractor FlipBoost
Motocross Heavyweight
Dune Buggy FlipBoost Heavyweight
Sports Car FlipBoost Heavyweight
Monster Truck AirControl FlipBoost
Rotator FlipBoost
Super Diesel FlipBoost
Chopper FlipBoost OverchargedTurbo
Tank FlipBoost
Snowmobile LandingBoost WheelieBoost
Monowheel AirControl
Rally Car FlipBoost AirControl
Formula FlipBoost RollCage
Racing Truck FlipBoost LandingBoost
Hot Rod -
CC-EV FlipBoost
Superbike -
Supercar AirControl
Moonlander LandingBoost
Vehicle Mastery

How it works:

  • Fully upgrade your vehicle to max stats (20, 20, 20, and 20), and then you can start to collect XP for that specific vehicle.
  • Each vehicle has four mastery levels, which you’ll progress through by collecting XP.
  • To progress through mastery levels, you need powerful tune parts in addition to XP, and you can buy the next upgrade with coins. XP can’t be stockpiled.

How to earn XP:

  • Distances in adventure levels
  • Cup finish positions
  • Public event positions
  • Community event positions
  • Team Match single-level score
  • Featured challenge won
  • Doing tricks (wheelie, flips, air time)
  • Specific vehicle mechanics (Sports Car: drive full speed on the ground; Moonlander: use the thrusters; Racing Truck: drive aerodynamically; monowheel: get big air time)
  • Opening vehicle-specific chests

The vehicles for mastery will be released staggered. The first vehicle available for mastery is the Sports Car, which will be followed by (in no particular order): Monowheel, Moon Lander, and Racing Truck.

Mastery levels and rewards:

  • There are four mastery levels to progress through by earning XP.
  • Level 1-3: Unlock permanent buffs for your vehicles, featuring general power and vehicle-specific buffs. All buffs can be toggled on or off.
  • Level 4: Unlocks a fourth tuning part slot for your vehicle.
Icon Images

  ▶︎  Vehicle Icons
  ▶︎  Parts Icons


Mastery by Vehicle

  ▶︎  Racing Truck Adventure Mastery
  ▶︎  Moonlander Adventure Mastery
  ▶︎  Sportscar Adventure Mastery

Adventure Setups
Vehicle countryside forest city mountain Vehicle rustbucket reef winter mines desert valley Vehicle beach backwater bog racer glacier patchwork plant Vehicle gloomvale overspill fun rig canyon arena cuptown Vehicle sky rock outpost forest trials intense city raging winter Vehicle
Jeep2 JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSMaWi WTWBFume Easier: WTFumeWi Jeep2 JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Jeep2 JSLBWi Easier: OTWiFume JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Jeep2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Friday JSLBWi JSLBWi 20/20/15/20 JSLBWi Easier: JSLBWi Jeep2 JSLBWi JSLBWi LBJSWi Easier: FumeJSWi FumeWTWi Easier: JSThWi Jeep2
Mk22 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiFume remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiFume remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSMaWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 WTFumeWB remove the cage in the beginning Mk22 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSFumeWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSThWi remove the cage in the beginning Mk22 20/20/20/1 WBWiFume remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 FumeWiCB remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 FumeWiCB remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Mk22 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning world record can be done on any day Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi easiest on Friday remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: JSLBWi 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/15/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning Mk22 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSWBWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSFumeWi remove the cage in the beginning 20/20/20/1 JSThWi remove the cage in the beginning Mk22
Sportscar2 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/5 OTWiFume JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/5 OTWiFume JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi OTFumeWB Easier: 20/20/20/1 OTFumeWB Sportscar2 20/20/20/12 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/5 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/5 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSFumeWi JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSThWi Sportscar2 JSWBWi Easier: 20/20/20/7 OTWiWB JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/5 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/8 JSLBWi Sportscar2 20/20/20/5 JSLBWi any day Easier: 20/20/20/5 JSLBWi Friday easiest 20/20/20/10 JSLBWi JSLBWi 20/20/20/10 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Sportscar2 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/5 JSWBFume FumeJSWB Easier: FumeJSWi 20/20/20/1 JSThWi Easier: 20/20/20/5 OTThWi Sportscar2
Buggy2 JSLBWi Easier: WBWiCB JSLBWi Easier: MaWiCB 20/20/20/1 JSThWi remove the cage in the beginning Easier: MaThWi 20/20/20/1 WBWiCB remove the cage in the beginning Easier: MaWTCB Buggy2 JSLBWi Easier: WBWiCB JSLBWi Easier: WTWiCB JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: OTThWi Buggy2 JSLBWi Easier: OTWiCB JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Buggy2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Friday JSLBWi JSLBWi 20/20/14/1 JSLBCB remove the cage in the beginning Easier: JSWBWi Buggy2 20/20/14/20 JSLBWi Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSFumeWi WTJSWi Easier: WTThWi Buggy2
Diesel2 JSLBWi Easier: FumeWiWB JSLBWi Easier: MaWiCB JSWiTh Easier: MaWiTh FumeWiWB Diesel2 JSLBWi Easier: WBFumeWi JSLBWi Easier: OTWiCB JSLBWi Easier: WBFumeWi JSLBWi Easier: JSThWi Diesel2 JSLBWi Easier: OTWiWB JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: WBWiFume JSLBWi Diesel2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Friday JSLBWi JSLBWi JSFumeCB Easier: JSThWi Diesel2 JSLBWi JSLBWi FumeJSWi JSThWi Diesel2
Sbike2 WiCBWT Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBMa WiCBWT Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBMa WiWTNi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiWTMa WiCBWT Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBWT Sbike2 WiCBWB Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBMa 20/20/20/1 WiCBFume Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBWT WiCBWT Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBWT 20/20/20/1 WiCBLB Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBOT Sbike2 20/20/20/1 OTWiCB 20/20/20/1 WiCBLB Easier: 20/20/20/1 WiCBFume 20/20/17/1 LBWiNi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WTWiCB WBWTWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 MaWiFume Sbike2 WTCBWi Sunday only Easier: MaWTWi Sunday only 20/20/20/1 WiCBMa 20/20/20/1 WBWTWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 CBWTWi 20/20/20/1 WTNiWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WTCBWi Sbike2 20/20/20/1 LBNiWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WTNiWi FumeWTWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 FumeWTWi MaWTWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 MaWTWi 20/20/20/4 CBWTWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 CBWTWi Sbike2
Supercar2 JSLBWi Easier: MaCBWi JSLBWi Easier: WTCBWi JSCBWi Easier: JSMaWi WTWiCB Supercar2 JSLBWi Easier: CBWiMa JSLBWi Easier: WTCBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSCBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSWTWi Supercar2 OTWiCB JSCBWi JSLBWi Easier: WTWiCB JSLBWi Supercar2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Saturday JSLBWi JSLBWi JSWiLB Easier: JSLBWi Supercar2 JSLBWi JSWiWT JSWiWT OTWTWi Easier: RCWTWi Supercar2
Rally2 JSLBWi remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: WTCBWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: WTWiCB remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSWTWi remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: MaWTWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning WBWiWT remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: WTWiCB remove the roof and hood in the beginning Rally2 JSLBWi remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: OTFumeCB remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: WTWiCB remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi only remove the hood and roof in the beginning Easier: WTLBWi only remove the hood and roof in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, hood and cage in the beginning Easier: OTFumeCB remove the roof and hood in the beginning Rally2 JSLBWi remove the roof, hood and cage in the beginning Easier: OTWiCB remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, hood and cage in the beginning Easier: JSLBWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, hood and cage in the beginning Easier: JSLBWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, hood and cage in the beginning Easier: JSLBWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning Rally2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Friday JSLBWi remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: JSLBWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: JSLBWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSOTCB remove the roof, cage and hood in the beginning Easier: JSWTWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning Rally2 JSLBWi remove the roof, hood and cage in the beginning Easier: JSLBWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSLBWi remove the roof, hood and cage in the beginning Easier: JSWTWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning JSWTHW keep your cage undamaged Easier: JSWTWi WTWBWi remove the cage, roof and hood in the beginning Easier: JSWTWi remove the roof and hood in the beginning Rally2
lowrider2 CBWiLB CBWiLB CBWiFume Easier: CBWiMa WBWiWT lowrider2 CBWiLB CBWiLB OTCBWi LBCBWi lowrider2 OTFumeWi LBCBWi LBCBWi LBCBWi lowrider2 LBCBWi Saturday only CBWiLB Easier: MaWiLB CBWiLB CBWiLB lowrider2 LBNiWi Easier: LBCBWi LBFumeWi Easier: LBCBWi OTWTWi OTWTWi Easier: RCWTWi lowrider2
beast2 JSWTWi Easier: CBWTWi WTFumeCB Easier: WTWiCB CBThWi Easier: MaThWi WTWiCB Easier: WTWiJS beast2 JSLBWi Easier: WTWiCB CBWTWi JSLBWi Easier: OTWiTh JSCBWi Easier: JSThWi beast2 WTWiCB CBFumeMa Easier: JSWTWi JSFumeWi Easier: WTCBWi JSLBWi beast2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Friday JSLBWi Easier: MaWiTh JSLBWi Easier: JSThWi JSFumeCB Easier: JSWTWi beast2 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSWTWi JSThWi Easier: JSWTWi JSThWi beast2
Hotrod2 20/20/17/20 JSLBCB Easier: 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB 20/20/19/20 JSLBCB Easier: MaCBFume WTFumeCB Hotrod2 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB Easier: 20/20/10/20 MaLBCB 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB JSLBCB 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB Hotrod2 JSLBCB 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB Hotrod2 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB Sunday only JSLBMa JSLBCB 20/20/17/20 JSLBNi Easier: 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB Hotrod2 20/20/10/20 JSLBNi Easier: 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB 20/20/10/20 JSLBCB Easier: 20/20/10/20 JSMaCB JSLBWT Easier: JSMaWT JSFumeWT Easier: JSLBWT Hotrod2
RT2 20/20/20/1 WiWBFume 20/20/20/1 CBWBFume Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiMa 20/20/20/1 JSWBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 MaThWi 20/20/20/1 WBWTFume Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWTMa RT2 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiFume 20/20/20/1 WBWiWT 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiWT 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSThWi RT2 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiCB 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiCB 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiFume 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiCB RT2 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi easiest on Sunday 20/20/20/1 JSThWi 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSThWi 20/20/20/1 WBFumeCB Easier: 20/20/20/1 JSWBWi RT2 20/20/20/1 JSLBWi 20/20/20/1 JSWBWi 20/20/20/1 JSThWi 20/20/20/1 JSThWi RT2
Formula2 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/9/1 OTWiWT 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/15/1 OTWiWT 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/15/1 WTWiMa 20/20/14/1 JSLBWT Easier: 20/20/14/1 OTWiWT Formula2 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi Easier: 20/20/15/1 JSLBWi 20/20/15/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi Formula2 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi Formula2 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi easiest on Saturday 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi Formula2 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/9/1 JSLBWi 20/20/14/1 JSWTWi 20/20/14/1 OTWTWi Easier: 20/20/14/1 RCWTWi Formula2
Muscle2 JSLBWi Easier: WBWTWi JSLBWi Easier: WTWiCB JSLBWi Easier: JSMaWi WBWTWi Muscle2 JSLBWi Easier: MaWiCB JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Muscle2 JSLBWi Easier: OTWiCB emoji_44 JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSWTWi Muscle2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Saturday JSLBWi JSLBWi JSFumeCB Easier: JSWTWi Muscle2 JSLBWi emoji_44 JSLBWi JSWTHW Easier: JSWTWi WBWTWi Easier: JSWTWi Muscle2
Monster2 JSLBWi Easier: WiWBCB JSCBWi Easier: WBCBWi JSThWi WiWBCB Monster2 WiWBCB WiJSCB Easier: WiMaCB WiCBMa Easier: WiWBFume JSLBWi Easier: OTThWi Monster2 WBWiCB JSCBWi Easier: WBCBWi WiFumeCB Easier: WiWBCB JSCBWi Easier: WBCBWi Monster2 JSCBWi preferably Saturday or Sunday Easier: WBCBWi easiest on Saturday JSRCWi JSLBWi Easier: JSRCWi WBNiCB Easier: JSWBWi Monster2 JSLBWi JSWBWi Easier: RCWBWi JSWBWi Easier: RCWBWi CBThWi Easier: RCThWi Monster2
Rotator2 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi 20/20/20/1 CBFumeWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 CBMaWi 20/20/20/1 CBThWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 MaThWi CBFumeWB Easier: CBFumeMa Rotator2 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi 20/20/20/1 CBFumeWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 CBMaWi CBWBWi 20/20/20/1 CBFumeWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 CBThWi Rotator2 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi 20/20/20/1 CBLBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 CBFumeWi 20/20/20/1 CBFumeWi 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi Rotator2 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi preferably Saturday or Sunday Easier: 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi easiest on Saturday 20/20/20/1 CBMaWi LBWiCB Easier: 20/20/20/1 WBWiCB WBNiCB Easier: WBWiCB Rotator2 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi Easier: 20/20/20/1 NiWBWi 20/20/20/1 LBWBWi 20/20/20/1 ThWBWi CBThWi Rotator2
Chopper2 20/20/15/20 WBWiLB 20/20/15/20 WiLBCB 20/20/15/20 WiThLB Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiThMa 20/20/19/20 WBWiWT Easier: 20/20/19/20 WBFumeWT Chopper2 20/20/15/20 WiLBFume 20/20/15/20 WiLBCB Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiLBFume 20/20/15/20 WiLBTh Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiFumeTh 20/20/15/20 WiLBCB Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiLBTh Chopper2 WBWiCB Easier: FumeWiLB 20/20/15/20 WiLBCB Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiLBFume 20/20/15/20 WiLBFume 20/20/15/20 WiWBFume Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiLBFume Chopper2 20/20/15/20 WiLBTh world record can be done on any day Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiLBTh easiest on Saturday WiLBTh WiLBFume Easier: WiLBTh 20/20/19/20 WBFumeCB Easier: WBWiTh Chopper2 20/20/15/20 WiLBCB Easier: 20/20/15/20 WiLBFume 20/20/15/20 LBThWi Easier: 20/20/15/20 LBFumeWi 20/20/15/20 ThWBWi 20/20/15/20 LBThWi Chopper2
Tank2 WBWiCB remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/16/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: WiRCCB remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/16/20 JSThWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: RCThWi remove the cannon in the beginning WBWiFume remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: WBFumeRC remove the cannon in the beginning Tank2 20/20/16/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: OTRCWi remove the cannon in the beginning OTWiCB remove the cannon in the beginning OTLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: OTRCWi remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/16/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: OTThWi remove the cannon in the beginning Tank2 OTWiCB remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/14/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: 20/20/19/20 LBCBWi remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/14/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: OTWiFume remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/14/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: WBWiRC remove the cannon in the beginning Tank2 OTThWi remove the cannon in the beginning world record can be done on any day Easier: OTRCWi remove the cannon in the beginning easiest on Saturday WiWBRC remove the cannon in the beginning OTRCWi remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/16/20 OTJSFume remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: 20/20/16/20 JSWiRC remove the cannon in the beginning Tank2 20/20/14/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: 20/20/19/20 CBLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/16/20 JSLBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: OTRCWi remove the cannon in the beginning 20/20/19/20 OTWBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: 20/20/19/20 OTRCWi remove the cannon in the beginning ThWBWi remove the cannon in the beginning Easier: RCThWi remove the cannon in the beginning Tank2
EV2 JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a barn Easier: CBLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a log Easier: CBLBWi JSCBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a container Easier: JSMaWi WBWiWT remove roof in the beginning and front part on a log Easier: WBWiWT EV2 JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a stone Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a snowman Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a stone Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a log Easier: JSLBWi EV2 JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a rock Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a glass dome Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a stone Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a box Easier: JSLBWi EV2 JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a log world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Sunday JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a cart Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a windmill Easier: JSLBWi JSLBCB remove roof in the beginning and front part on a house Easier: LBJSWi EV2 JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a glass dome Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a log Easier: JSLBWi JSLBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on a metal pole Easier: JSLBWi WTWBWi remove roof in the beginning and front part on ice Easier: WTWBWi EV2
RB2 CBWBWi CBWBWi JSCBWi Easier: JSMaWi FumeWBWi RB2 JSWBWi JSWBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi RB2 JSWBWi JSWBWi JSWBWi JSWBWi RB2 JSWBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSWBWi easiest on Sunday JSWBWi Easier: JSNiWi JSLBWi JSWBCB Easier: JSWBWi RB2 JSLBWi Easier: JSNiWi JSWBWi JSWBWi JSWBWi RB2
Bus2 WBWiFume don’t break your vehicle WiOTFume break your vehicle MaWiTh break your vehicle Easier: MaWiTh don’t break your vehicle FumeThWB don’t break your vehicle Easier: JSThWB don’t break your vehicle Bus2 JSFumeWi don’t break your vehicle Easier: JSFumeWi break your vehicle WiOTFume break your vehicle Easier: WiMaFume break your vehicle WiThFume break your vehicle Easier: WiThFume don’t break your vehicle JSLBWi don’t break your vehicle Easier: WiThJS don’t break your vehicle Bus2 OTWiWB don’t break your vehicle Easier: ThWiWB don’t break your vehicle JSFumeWi break your vehicle Easier: MaFumeWi break your vehicle JSFumeWi break your vehicle Easier: WiFumeOT break your vehicle JSFumeWi break your vehicle Bus2 JSThWi break your vehicle world record can be done on any day Easier: JSFumeWi break your vehicle easiest on Friday FumeWiTh break your vehicle Easier: JSWiTh don’t break your vehicle FumeWiTh break your vehicle JSWBFume don’t break your vehicle Easier: FumeThWi break your vehicle Bus2 JSLBWi don’t break your vehicle Easier: JSFumeWi break your vehicle FumeThWi break your vehicle Easier: FumeJSWi break your vehicle FumeThWi break your vehicle at 3100m Easier: JSThWi don’t break your vehicle JSThWi don’t break your vehicle Bus2
Moonlander2 WBCBFume Easier: WBCBMa WBCBFume Easier: WBCBMa FumeCBMa Easier: WBCBMa WBCBMa Easier: WBCBAC Moonlander2 WBCBFume Easier: WBCBMa WBCBFume Easier: WBCBMa WBCBFume Easier: WBCBMa WBCBFume Moonlander2 WBCBLB Easier: WBCBMa WBCBFume Easier: WBCBLB WBCBFume WBCBFume Easier: WBCBMa Moonlander2 WBCBFume Sunday only MaCBLB LBFumeFlip Easier: FumeCBMa FumeMaCB Moonlander2 LBCBFume Easier: WBCBMa FumeCBMa 20/20/20/16 FumeCBWB Easier: FumeCBMa LBMaCB Easier: WBMaCB Moonlander2
Scooter2 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: WTLBWi JSThLB Easier: JSThMa JSLBWT Easier: WiLBWT Scooter2 JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSLBTh Scooter2 JSLBWi Easier: OTLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Scooter2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Friday JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBCB Easier: JSLBWi Scooter2 JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBTh Easier: JSMaTh JSThWi Scooter2
Moto2 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: CBLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSThMa LBFumeWB Moto2 JSLBWi JSLBWi FumeLBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSThWi Moto2 FumeLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Moto2 JSLBWi Friday only JSLBWi JSLBWi JSLBWi Moto2 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: MaLBWi JSLBWB Easier: JSThWB JSThWi Moto2
Tractor2 JSLBWi Easier: WTCBWi JSLBWi Easier: WTCBWi JSLBWi Easier: JSMaWi WiWTWB Easier: WiWTRC Tractor2 JSLBWi Easier: FumeWiWB WiWTCB JSFumeWi Easier: JSWTWi JSLBWi Tractor2 OTWiCB Easier: WTWiCB JSLBWi Easier: CBFumeWi JSFumeWi Easier: CBFumeWi JSLBWi Easier: JSRCWi Tractor2 JSLBWi world record can be done on any day Easier: JSLBWi easiest on Sunday JSFumeWi Easier: JSRCWi JSLBWi JSFumeCB Easier: JSRCWi Tractor2 JSLBWi JSLBWi Easier: RCWTWi JSWTWi Easier: JSRCWi WBWTWi Easier: RCWTWi Tractor2
Snowmobile2 20/20/20/1 LBCBWi remove the ski in the beginning Easier: LBCBWi 20/20/20/1 WiLBCB remove the ski in the beginning Easier: WiMaCB 20/20/20/1 WiCBMa remove the ski in the beginning Easier: WiRCMa 20/20/20/1 WiFumeWB remove the ski in the beginning Easier: LBWiRC Snowmobile2 20/20/20/1 WiOTFume remove the ski in the beginning Easier: WiOTFume 20/20/20/1 WiLBCB remove the ski in the beginning Easier: WiMaCB 20/20/20/1 OTWiLB remove the ski in the beginning Easier: OTFumeWi 20/20/20/1 OTCBFume remove the ski in the beginning Easier: OTFumeWi Snowmobile2 20/20/20/1 OTWiCB remove the ski in the beginning Easier: OTWiLB 20/20/20/1 OTFumeWi remove the ski in the beginning Easier: OTFumeWi 20/20/20/1 OTWiFume remove the ski in the beginning Easier: OTFumeWi 20/20/20/1 OTWiFume remove the ski in the beginning Easier: WBWiFume Snowmobile2 20/20/20/1 CBWBWi remove the ski in the beginning Friday only Easier: CBWBWi Friday only WiMaFume WiOTFume Easier: WiOTRC OTWBFume Easier: WBWiFume Snowmobile2 20/20/20/1 FumeLBWi remove the ski in the beginning Easier: FumeOTWi 20/20/20/1 LBRCWi remove the ski in the beginning Easier: LBRCWi OTWBWi Easier: OTRCWi OTCBWi Easier: OTRCWi Snowmobile2
Mono2 OTFumeWi Easier: JSFumeWi JSFumeWi Easier: MaCBWi JSThWi Easier: JSMaWi OTThJS Easier: WiJSTh Mono2 JSFumeWi Easier: JSMaWi JSFumeWi Easier: JSThWi 20/20/20/8 OTWiJS JSCBWi Easier: JSThWi Mono2 20/20/20/8 OTWiFume JSFumeWi Easier: JSThWi JSFumeWi Easier: JSThWi JSFumeWi Easier: JSThWi Mono2 FumeJSWi Sunday only JSThWi JSThWi JSThWi Mono2 JSNiWi Easier: JSThWi FumeJSWi JSThWi JSThWi Mono2
Vehicle countryside forest city mountain Vehicle rustbucket reef winter mines desert valley Vehicle beach backwater bog racer glacier patchwork plant Vehicle gloomvale overspill fun rig canyon arena cuptown Vehicle sky rock outpost forest trials intense city raging winter Vehicle

Source: Zorro’s Adventure Setup Discord Server https://discord.gg/pNeKMVTTKh - 8 June 2024

Fuel Cans
150… 300… 450… 600… 800… 1,000… 1,200… 1,450(bridge)… 1,700… 1,950… 2,250… 2,550… 2,850… 3,150(bridge)… 3,500… 3,850(barn)… 4,200(after barn)… 4,600… 5,000(before barn)… 5,400(bridge)… 5,850(bridge)… 6,300(after a downhill)… 6,750(climbing)… 7,200(climbing)… 7,700(climbing)… 8,200(bridge)… 8,700(downhill)… 9,250(downhill)… 9,800(climbing)… 10,350(climbing)… 10,950(after barn)… 11,550(bridge)… 12,150(after a bridge; climbing)… 12,750… 13,400(downhill)… 14,050(climbing)… 14,700(climbing)… 15,400(bridge)… 16,100(after a bridge)
170… 290… 410… 530… 660… 780(downhill)… 900… 1,080(downhill)… 1,260… 1,440… 1,620(log zone;at the bottom)… 1,800(climbing)… 2,000… 2,180(climbing)… 2,420… 2,660… 2,910(downhill)… 3,150(log zone;at the bottom)… 3,390… 3,640… 3,910(log zone)… 4,240… 4,540(downhill)… 4,830(log zone;slow down!)… 5,150… 5,450(downhill)… 5,750(downhill)… 6,110… 6,480… 6,830… 7,180… 7,560… 7,910… 8,290… 8,690… 9,140… 9,510… 9,980… 10,390… 10,810… 11,300… 11,780… 12,280… 12,780… 13,250… 13,740… 14,210… 14,780… 15,320… 15,860… 16,400… 16,950… 17,520… 18,050… 18,660… 19,270… 19,880… 20,450… 21,080… 21,670… 22,330… 22,980… 23,650… 24,320… 24,970… 25,650… 26,310… 27,030… 27,730… 28,470… 29,200… 29,930… 30,670… 31,400… 32,170… 32,950… 33,700… 34,520… 35,300… 36,080… 36,870… 37,730… 38,570… 39,400… 40,250… 41,090… 41,930… 42,840… 43,740
160… 300… 420… 530… 650… 740… 890… 1,050… 1,270… 1,430… 1,620… 1,790… 1,980… 2,160… 2,420… 2,630(on a hanging container over water)… 2,920… 3,180… 3,390(inside of a hanging container)… 3,690(very left edge of an iron beam hanging on 1 rope)… 4,000… 4,300(right above water, and inbetween the edge and a hanging container)… 4,580… 4,880… 5,190… 5,480… 5,800… 6,180(second hanging iron beam with 2 ropes)… 6,520… 6,920(very left edge of a hanging container)… 7,270(in a very tricky spot, inbetween a hanging container, and a hanging iron bean)… 7,650… 8,000(inside a hanging container)… 8,370(right above water, and inbetween the edge and a hanging container)… 8,790… 9,210(right above water, and inbetween the edge and a hanging container)… 9,660… 10,080… 10,480(inside a hanging container)… 10,900… 11,420(at the edge of a water pit)… 11,900… 12,380… 12,840… 13,380… 13,860… 14,340… 14,850… 15,370(inside the 3rd hanging container)… 15,980… 16,520… 17,080… 17,610… 18,150… 18,730… 19,370… 19,940… 20,590
130… 210… 290… 370… 450… 530… 610… 730… 850… 970… 1,070… 1,190… 1,330… 1,450… 1,610… 1,770… 1,930… 2,060… 2,140… 2,300… 2,460… 2,660… 2,830(hanging log)… 3,070… 3,270… 3,470… 3,890… 4,130… 4,370… 4,640… 4,910… 5,180… 5,420… 5,720(hanging log)… 6,000(steep downhill)… 6,280… 6,580… 6,890… 7,440… 7,760… 8,090… 8,400… 8,720… 9,060(bridge)… 9,430… 9,790… 10,180… 10,550… 10,910… 11,270… 11,630… 12,000… 12,390… 12,780… 13,200… 13,590… 14,010… 14,420… 14,860… 15,370… 15,800… 16,240
Rustbucket Reef
150… 300… 450… 630… 830… 1,100… 1,370… 1,710… 1,970… 2,240… 2,570… 2,870… 3,130… 3,280… 3,640… 4,020… 4,440… 4,850(upper route)… 4,870… 5,320… 5,740… 5,980(top route)… 6,270… 6,430… 6,820… 7,410(under a flagpole that is held up by a toxic container)… 7,910… 8,440… 8,730… 9,000(top route, next to a broken ship) … 9,570… 10,120… 10,740… 11,340… 11,470(upper route)… 12,030… 12,630(at the top of a hill)… 13,300… 14,110(on a steep downhill after a bubble tube)… 14,350(upper route)… 14,850… 15,690(bottom route)… 16,560… 17,300… 17,800… 18,160(under a broken ship, unaccessible with Tank without magnet)… 18,960… 19,870… 20,720… 20,930(bottom route)… 21,650… 22,530… 22,950(bottom route)… 23,510… 24,400… 25,030(upper route)… 25,360
150… 350… 550… 750… 950… 1,150… 1,440… 1,680… 1,950… 2,200… 2,480… 2,800(in the sky, above a water pit before an ice castle)… 3,120… 3,440… 3,750… 4,070… 4,410… 4,800… 5,140… 5,540(on an icicle chunk after a downhill underground)… 5,870… 6,290… 6,700… 7,130… 7,540… 7,930… 8,360… 8,810… 9,270… 9,720… 10,180… 10,690… 11,190… 11,680… 12,180… 12,680… 13,260… 13,840… 14,390… 14,920… 15,490… 16,100… 16,730… 17,340… 17,960… 18,550… 19,190… 19,870… 20,540… 21,180
170… 410… 650… 890… 1,130… 1,370(upper path)… 1,610… 1,840(lower path)… 2,100… 2,400… 2,700… 2,990(on top of a giant wheel)… 3,120… 3,330… 3,610… 3,880… 4,200… 4,510… 4,870… 5,240… 5,600… 5,990… 6,370… 6,720(before a ditch)… 7,090(after a series of uphills)… 7,440… 7,840… 8,250(on a hanging ladder outside)… 8,690(after a giant lava pit)… 9,090(in between 2 lava pits)… 9,580… 10,010(after a steep, tight uphill with lava at the center of the hills)… 10,400(before an up-down wheel that could crush a vehicle)… 10,860(before a series of see-saw ladders above a giant lava pit)… 11,280… 11,730… 12,250… 12,760… 13,230… 13,730… 14,200(after a rolling wheel inside a ditch where the wheel will get stuck in)… 14,670… 15,160… 15,740… 16,260… 16,770… 17,310… 17,890… 18,460… 19,000… 19,540… 20,070… 20,680… 21,940
Desert Valley
150… 251… 353… 450… 602… 751… 916… 1,157… 1,360… 1,562… 1,799… 2,075… 2,335… 2,583… 2,890… 3,224… 3,556… 3,906(before a stop-log)… 4,301… 4,672… 5,102(in a cave)… 5,536(climbing)… 5,996(climbing)… 6,422(on a rock)… 6,780(steep downhill)… 7,320(in a cave on the bottom)… 7,773… 8,353(after a stop-log)… 8,867(in a cave at the bottom)… 9,378(under a rock)… 9,977… 11,136(downhill)… 11,701… 12,301… 12,887… 13,517(steep downhill)… 14,207… 14,870… 15,569(climbing)… 16,304(floating over a mud pool)… 17,064… 17,796… 18,564(downhill)… 19,324… 20,133… 20,963… 20,963… 22,645… 23,473… 24,376… 25,225… 26,151(climbing)… 27,088… 28,011… 28,914(steep downhill)… 29,858… 30,871… 31,910(downhill)… 32,875… 33,852(on top of a hill)… 34,886… 35,929… 36,977(climbing)… 38,067… 40,266… 41,453… 42,556… 43,721… 44,928… 46,117… 47,343… 48,564… 49,799… 51,093… 52,409… 53,687… 55,064… 56,399… 57,723… 59,157… 60,513… 61,886… 63,351… 64,757… 66,165… 67,664… 69,227… 70,709… 72,172… 73,660… 75,285… 76,778… 78,315… 80,000… 81,546… 83,220… 84,884… 86,488
150… 300… 450… 600… 800… 1,020… 1,270… 1,530… 1,800… 2,050… 2,360… 2,640… 3,030… 3,330… 3,690… 4,040… 4,470… 4,890… 5,270… 5,700… 6,140… 6,600… 7,080… 7,520… 8,030… 8,530… 9,030… 9,580… 10,130… 10,680… 11,270… 11,900… 12,590… 13,180… 13,870… 14,520… 15,180… 15,870… 16,590… 17,280… 18,030… 18,910… 19,660… 20,460… 21,260… 22,060… 22,860… 23,720… 24,600… 25,430… 26,440… 27,340… 28,250… 29,150… 30,090… 31,050… 32,020… 33,020… 34,080… 35,080… 36,180… 37,250… 38,300… 39,460… 40,600… 41,700… 42,850… 43,970… 45,120… 46,270… 47,420… 48,750… 49,950… 51,150… 52,400… 52,670(bottom route only)
Backwater Bog
150… 300… 600… 800… 1,000… 1,200… 1,490… 1,760… 2,020… 2,310… 2,690… 2,990… 3,380… 3,770… 4,230… 4,670… 5,060… 5,500… 5,900… 6,360… 6,800… 7,270… 7,730… 8,280… 8,840… 9,340… 9,950… 10,470… 11,080… 11,730… 12,330… 12,930… 13,580… 14,230… 14,940… 15,600… 16,280… 17,060… 17,850… 18,670… 19,430… 20,280… 21,110… 21,930… 22,730… 23,540… 24,400… 25,260… 26,180… 27,120… 28,020… 28,910… 29,890… 30,840… 31,790… 32,750… 33,830… 34,850… 35,960
Racer Glacier
150… 330… 460… 630(bottom route)… 840(bottom route)… 1050… 1,250… 1,500(bottom route)… 1,600(upper route)… 1,750… 2,040… 2,280… 2,590… 2,890… 3,180… 3,540… 3,940(upper route)… 4,240… 4,640… 5,040… 5,520… 5,940… 6,350… 6,840… 7,360… 7,560(upper route)… 7,900… 8,400… 8,900… 9,400… 9,990… 10,550… 11,170… 11,720(upper route)… 12,380… 12,980… 13,630… 14,280… 14,930… 15,580… 16,330… 17,020
Patchwork Plant
150… 210(upper route)… 470… 630… 830… 1,020… 1,350… 1,610… 1,890… 2,160… 2,460… 2,780… 3,120… 3,420… 3,770… 4,180… 4,530… 4,980… 5,450… 5,860… 6,310… 6,760… 7,210… 7,710… 8,330… 8,810… 9,310… 9,880… 10,470… 11,060… 11,640… 12,260… 12,870… 13,520
Skyrock Outpost
150… 300… 450… 600… 800… 1,000… 1,200… 1,450… 1,550… 1,700… 1,950… 2,250… 2,600… 2,950… 3,050… 3,300… 3,750… 4,100… 4,250… 4,480… 4,720… 4,900… 5,290… 5,610… 6,010… 6,470… 6,900… 7,070… 7,370… 7,440… 7,880… 7,970… 8,370… 8,970… 9,470… 10,010… 10,220… 10,580… 11,170… 11,760… 12,370… 14,280… 14,950… 15,690… 16,390… 17,090… 17,880… 18,690… 19,680… 20,730… 22,450
Forest Trial
160… 350… 540… 810… 1,070… 1,370… 1,740… 2,080… 2,440… 2,840… 3,320… 3,770… 4,240… 4,740
Intense City
170… 300… 420(bottom route)… 540… 650… 760… 890… 1,150(loop)… 1,250(bottom route)… 1,430… 1,520(upper route)… 1,610… 1,780… 1,970… 2,160… 2,370(upper route)… 2,390(bottom route)… 2,640… 2,810(bottom route)… 2,870(upper route)… 2,980(upper route)… 3,110… 3,350… 3,590… 3,780… 3,880… 3,960… 4,190… 4,490… 4,800
Raging Winter
190… 290… 370… 570… 720… 870… 1,020… 1,170… 1,370… 1,570… 1,800… 2,000… 2,210… 2,420(inside the castle, wait until the blizzard activates)… 2,540… 2,790… 3,040… 3,290… 3,350(inside the ice wall, wait until the blizzard activates)… 3,360(wait until the blizzard activates)… 3,540… 3,840

(Source: Wiki & Fuel Guide Server - 4 April 2022)

Forest Adventure Obstacles
Obstacle Description
Moat Deep watery ditches, generally used for those you can’t get out of.
Swinging log Log attached from the middle to a rope, doing a grandfather’s clock impression
2-log moat Spot where you have to jump in between two logs, hanging from the same rope. Most of these aren’t deep enough to get you stuck in the water, but rob a lot of time from you.
Moat with a swing-log Otherwise like the moat, but the log suspended over it is only hanging from a single rope, as opposed to two. A bit more precise clearance is required.

So there’s the syntax cleared up, here’s my list of places to watch out on your runs:

Distance Obstacle
4 600 Moat
6 400 Moat with swing-log
7 600 Moat
8 200 Steep downhill with gas in the middle (from first half of the logged lake, you can reverse back here)
9 800 2-log moat
10 900 2-log moat
11 050 Swing-log moat
11 300 2-log moat
11 400 Steep downhill with a tricky bump
11 800 Moat
12 900 Moat with swing-log
15 200 2-log moat
15 400 Swinging log
16 800 Steep downhill with gas in the middle
17 950 Swinging log
18 300 2-log moat
18 600 Moat
19 200 Moat
19 300 Moat
19 950 Moat with swing-log
20 100 Swinging log
20 400 Moat with swing-log
21 600 Swinging log
21 700 Moat with swing-log
22 150 Swinging log
22 700 Moat
23 100 Swinging log
23 600 Moat
25 600 Moat
Desert Valley Obstacles
Distance Obstacle
1 090 Swing
2 330 Easy to miss gas tank
2 620 Swing
3 220 Easy to miss gas tank
3 770 Falling cylinder
4 670 Easy to miss gas tank
5 320 Swing
5 620 Swing
6 700 Single-rope swing
6 870 Easy to miss gas tank
7 320 Easy to miss gas tank
7 900 Single-rope swing
8 040 Single-rope swing
8 870 Easy to miss gas tank
9 380 Easy to miss gas tank
10 070 Single-rope swing
13 510 Easy to miss gas tank
15 950 Single-rope swing
16 280 Single-rope swing
16 310 Easy to miss gas tank
16 670 Single-rope swing
16 940 Single-rope swing
17 170 Single-rope swing
18 590 Single-rope swing
20 510 Single-rope swing
22 650 Easy to miss gas tank
Gloomvale sign order



  ▶︎  Best setups for the individual tracks

For recommended setups for cups and other vehicles, try the Cupboard Server

Two and Four Track Cups

I can remember the single track cups but not the others so I put together lists of the two and four track cups:

Two tracks
Glacier Cup
Gladiator’s Gauntlet
Hill Climb Cup
Lift Off Land
Parkway Driving
The Jungle Brake
Uphill Cup

Four tracks
Dirty Rally
Spring City
Sunday Champ
Mystical Cup

Tracks by Type & Distance

This may be helpful in identifying event tracks

Map Type Tracks
Beach 320m: Seaside (Beach Cup 4R) , 335m: Tide Waves (Finger Travels -8M) , 340m: The Big Dunes (Sand in Swimsuit 11M) , 350m: The Dunes (Beach Cup 4R) , Sandbox (Finger Travels -8M) , 360m: Sand in Swimsuit (11M) , 370m: Kid’s pool (Finger Travels -8M) , Tunnel Dive (Sand in Swimsuit 11M) , 380m: Beach Boys (Beach Cup 4R) , 410m: Coconut Cove (Travel Cup -5L) , 1000m: Paradise Bay (-7M)
Bog 198m: Trial of Balance (Downhill Trials 3L) , 230m: Trial of Courage (Downhill Trials 3L) , 250m: Happy Campers (Backwater Cup 11R) , Grill Bill (Backwater Cup 11R) , Trial of fall (Downhill Trials 3L) , 290m: Swamp Ride (Backwater Cup 11R) , 295m: Bumps in the Water (Alligator Cup -4M) , 300m: Parking Trailers (Alligator Cup -4M) , 330m: Hangout Cave (Marshland Cup 6R) , 350m: Tired Alligators (Marshland Cup 6R) , 360m: Lonely Camper (Boggy Road -3M) , 370m: Muddy Road (Boggy Road -3M) , Cottage Road (Boggy Road -3M) , 385m: Snappy Swamps (Alligator Cup -4M) , 420m: Docked Out (Marshland Cup 6R)
Canyon 250m: Beyond Climberdome (Gladiator’s Gauntlet 2M) , 265m: Legendary Apex (Gladiator’s Gauntlet 2M) , 385m: Special Stage One (Canyon Grand Prix -2L) , 500m: Special Stage Three (Canyon Grand Prix -2L) , 525m: Special Stage Two (Canyon Grand Prix -2L)
City 280m: Watery Tunnel (Cup of City Water -5R) , 310m: Don’t Dive (Cup of City Water -5R) , 340m: Downtown Madness (Travel Cup -5L) , 345m: Danger Zone (Capital Cup 10M) , 400m: Drive Through (Capital Cup 10M) , Get Soaked (Cup of City Water -5R) , 420m: Hot Tarmac (Bill’s Circuit -8R) , The Carousel (Bill’s Circuit -8R) , Smooth Curves (Finger GP 12R) , 485m: A Bridge Too Far (Capital Cup 10M) , 500m: Breaking Bad (Finger GP 12R) , Hairpin (Finger GP 12R) , 520m: Whipclash (Spring City 7L) , 530m: Fast Lane (Bill’s Circuit -8R) , 550m: Fury Road (Spring City 7L) , 600m: Rubberist (Spring City 7L) , 650m: Heat Club (Spring City 7L) , 1000m: Forgotten Highway (-9M)
Country 320m: Landing Drive (Big Air Cup 1R) , Big Air (Big Air Cup 1R) , 330m: Base Jump (Challenger Cup 4M) , Killing Floors (Sunday Champ 6M) , 343m: Lost in Transmission (Dirty Rally 7R) , 345m: Circuit 9 (Countryside Cup 5L) , Bridges and Stones (Sunday Champ 6M) , 362m: The Dip (Sunday Champ 6M) , 368m: Barn Ride (Challenger Cup 4M) , 380m: Showgrounds (Countryside Cup 5L) , Four-Wheel Park (Countryside Cup 5L) , 393m: Silo Showdown (Challenger Cup 4M) , 395m: Bottom Gear Cup (Hill Climb Cup 1L) , 400m: Flipway (Dirty Rally 7R)
Cuptown 285m: Cuptown Smooth (Parkway Driving 1M) , 300m: Cuptown Relax (Parkway Driving 1M) , 325m: Nightlife (Night Drive Cup -2M) , 355m: Neighbourbonnet (Night Drive Cup -2M) , 450m: House Party (Cuptown Babylon 5M) , 475m: Boost Boulevard (Night Drive Cup -2M) , 480m: Shape of Hills to Come (Cuptown Babylon 5M) , 640m: Call of the Night (Cuptown Babylon 5M)
Desert 340m: Nowhere Road (Travel Cup -5L) , 350m: Tumbleweeds (Desert Cup 4L) , 370m: Rust Valley (Hub Cap Cup -7L) , 380m: Dust Valley (Hub Cap Cup -7L) , 390m: Road to Heck (Desert Cup 4L) , 410m: Sunburnt (Desert Cup 4L) , 420m: Topsy-Turvy (Desert Caves 10L) , Switch It Up (Desert Caves 10L) , 440m: Cactus Hill (Hub Cap Cup -7L) , No Step on Snek (Interstate Cup 9M) , 460m: Roll With It (Desert Caves 10L) , 535m: Bat Country (Interstate Cup 9M) , 563m: Skid Happens (Interstate Cup 9M) , 1000m: Far Far Away (Desert Mile -8L)
Factory 400m: Factory Settings (Factory Cup 5R) , Face Plant (Factory Cup 5R) , Flip A Switch (Factory Cup 5R) , 490m: Take Off (Magnetic Circuit 8M) , 520m: Falling Crates (Magnetic Circuit 8M) , 535m: Magnet Madness (Magnetic Circuit 8M)
Forest 200m: Bumpy Ride (Bumpy Ride Cup -6M) , Rough Road (Bumpy Ride Cup -6M) , 210m: Forbidden Forest (Cup in the Woods 3M) , Captain’s Log (Cup in the Woods 3M) , 220m: Under the Cliff (Bumpy Ride Cup -6M) , 270m: The Pond (Cup in the Woods 3M) , 300m: Hills Ahead (Dark Roads 2R) , 320m: Seesaw Road (Big Air Cup 1R) , Visions of Victory (Dark Roads 2R) , 340m: Hollow Road (Dark Roads 2R) , 350m: Flying Log (Forest Cup -7R) , 360m: The Quarry (Dirty Rally 7R) , 370m: FingerWoods (Dirty Rally 7R) , Logs and Rocks (Forest Cup -7R) , 373m: Ballmer’s Peak (Green Cup 9L) , 377m: No Skidding (Hill Climb Cup 1L) , 380m: Rock Pit (Forest Cup -7R) , 430m: Bill’s Landing (Green Cup 9L) , Spartan Racing (Green Cup 9L)
Glacier 410m: Tailwind Trail (Stormrider Cup -11R) , Headwind Shortcut (Stormrider Cup -11R) , 493m: Like a Hawk (Stormrider Cup -11R) , 500m: Bone Gorge (Glacier Cup -9L) , 520m: Boiling Hollow (Glacier Cup -9L) , 1000m: Frostfire Caverns (-9R)
Gloomvale 300m: Dusky Vale (Gloomvale Cup -11L) , You shall not jump (Mystical Cup -3R) , The Princess Drive (Mystical Cup -3R) , Puddle Bender (Mystical Cup -3R) , A Storm of Stumps (Mystical Cup -3R) , 340m: Big Log Sprint (Gloomvale Cup -11L) , 390m: Twisted Trees (Gloomvale Cup -11L)
Mine 310m: Boarding (It’s Mine! 12L) , Overtakers (It’s Mine! 12L) , 320m: A Flat Miner (Mine Shaft Cup 11L) , Happy Miner (Mine Shaft Cup 11L) , 335m: Carting (It’s Mine! 12L) , 340m: Rock and Roll (More Mines -10M) , Wheeler (More Mines -10M) , Deep End (More Mines -10M) , 360m: Nose Miner (Mine Shaft Cup 11L) , The Esses (Tunnels -10R) , 400m: Tunnel Vision (Tunnels -10R) , On the Rock (Tunnels -10R) , 1000m: Long Road Down (Miner’s Mile 8R)
Mountain 210m: Steep Downhill Cliff (Mountain Bridges -5M) , 220m: Base Camp (Death Mountain -6L) , 238m: Over the Cliff (Mountain Bridges -5M) , 270m: Top of the world (Death Mountain -6L) , 280m: Living on the Edge (Mountain Bridges -5M) , 290m: Tricky Drive (Uphill Cup 10R) , 315m: Highs and Lows (Rocky Road Cup -4L) , 320m: Crazy Climb (Death Mountain -6L) , 337m: Gentle Escalation (Mountain Cup 9R) , 343m: Metal Gear (Epic Hills 12M) , 350m: Cliffside Way (Uphill Cup 10R) , 370m: Cool Descent (Mountain Cup 9R) , 377m: Danger Ahead (Rocky Road Cup -4L) , 400m: Dirt Road (Rocky Road Cup -4L) , 415m: Through The Mountains (Mountain Cup 9R) , 450m: Front Window (Epic Hills 12M) , Belter Road (Epic Hills 12M) , Shaft Redemption (Sunday Champ 6M)
Overspill 350m: Access to Enjoyment (Delightful Diversions -4R) , 360m: Generate Delight (Delightful Diversions -4R) , 370m: Jumpin’ Jack Crash (Lift Off Land -1L) , 400m: Liability Free Fun (Delightful Diversions -4R) , Commence Fright (Embark on Entertainment -3L) , 410m: Approaching Dread (Embark on Entertainment -3L) , 420m: Spook on, Spook off (Embark on Entertainment -3L) , 550m: Breakneck Blitz (Lift Off Land -1L)
Reef 490m: Coral Quarrel (Deep Driving -6R) , 500m: Backwash Dash (Deep Driving -6R) , The Trench (I Hate Water 8L) , 520m: Thalassophobia (Deep Driving -6R) , 530m: Deeper End (I Hate Water 8L) , 600m: Reef Grief (I Hate Water 8L) , 1000m: Deepest End (Deep Diving -10L)
Savanna 260m: Racing Wild (The Jungle Brake 2L) , 300m: The Fast Lions (The Jungle Brake 2L) , 305m: Plain as Day (A Bit Plain 6L) , 310m: Fare you well (A Bit Plain 6L) , 330m: Smooth Blend (Racers in the Mist -1M) , 370m: Carppuccino (Racers in the Mist -1M) , World’s fastest animal (A Bit Plain 6L) , 440m: Bean 2 Tank (Racers in the Mist -1M)
Winter 275m: Icicle Race (Winter Cup 7M) , 315m: Sledhammer (Winter Cup 7M) , 380m: Down the Tube (Downhill Cup -2R) , 385m: Yellow Snow (Winter Cup 7M) , 400m: The Ruins (Downhill Cup -2R) , Let it Snow (First Snow 3R) , 420m: Tumbling Down (Downhill Cup -2R) , Slippery Slope (First Snow 3R) , 450m: Crossroads (First Snow 3R) , 1000m: Snow Castle (Winter is Coming -11M)

Note: Distances are within 1m or so. Negative rows counted from the bottom. L=Left, M=Middle, R=Right.

Last Race Strategy

It is not necessary to always win the last race of a cup to win the cup

Guidelines going into the final race
E.g. After 2 races of 3 race cup

3+/4 gap to next player: Cannot change result

1st 2nd 3rd 4th
6 2 2 2
6 3 2 1
6 3 3 0
4 4 4 0

Ahead by 2: Don’t finish last

1st 2nd 3rd 4th
6 4 1 1
6 4 2 0
5 3 2 2
5 3 3 1

Ahead by 1: 2nd at least

1st 2nd 3rd 4th
5 4 3 0
5 4 2 1
4 3 3 2

Else: Try to win

1st 2nd 3rd 4th
5 5 2 0
5 5 1 1
4 4 2 2
4 4 3 1
3 3 3 3
Season Bonus Chest

Requires premium pass

Level Km Coins =5000+500xLevel Gems =10+Level Common Rare Epic Legendary
1-9 50-58 5500-9500 11-19 (18~27) (2~6) 2% (3) 0.1% (3)
10-19 59-68 10000-14500 20-29 (29~38) (2~10) 13% (3~6) 1.8% (3)
20-29 69-78 15000-19500 30-39 (45~56) (6~12) 33% (3~6) 5% (3)
30-199 79-248 20000-104500 40-209 (68~90) (9~18) (6~9) 10% (3)
200 249+ 105000 210 (68~90) (9~18) (6~9) 10% (3)


Daily Checklist
  • Every 4 hours: Two free team tickets
  • Every 8 hours: One free & 3 VIP/ad chests in the shop

Every 12 hours

  • Six ad/VIP 3-hour cup chests
  • Three adventure chests
  • Two free “Finish Now” scrap

Every 24 hours

  • Community Showcase Track
  • Daily tasks
  • 10-win cup chest
  • VIP shop chest for subscribers
  • Featured challenges
  • 10,000+ adventure 2x coins
  • Ad/VIP team ticket
  • Four free + one ad/VIP public event tickets
  • One free + one ad/VIP special adventure tickets
  • Ten free attempts at the daily race


  • Ten free attempts at the weekly race
  • Team km chest
  • Spend PE Shop points


  • Trove key chests
  • Season pass bonus chest


  • Have a cup chest timing down
  • Scrap any excess parts
10 Commandments
  1. Don’t cheat or go against FS rules
  2. Only use gems for weekly public events / cups chests
  3. Scrap only excess parts, especially for legendaries
  4. Never use the scrapyard when you are tired or impaired
  5. Upgrade all legendary parts to level 3
  6. Upgrade all epic parts to level 6
  7. Never spend scrap on common/rare parts, unless needed for team event
  8. Complete every monthly season and weekly public event (cheapest legendary parts)
  9. Only use gems at the shop to buy a part you don’t have
  10. Always buy the 50k coin scrap in the shop (if available)
Being a Teammate

With thanks to ℹ🅰Ⓜ#3420

  1. Be a good human being. Respect each and everyone. Treat everyone the same way you expect to be treated.
  2. No spamming when applying or otherwise.
  3. Never, ever ask for coleader post. You will get it when the team leader feels that you are worthy of it.
  4. No misuse of authority when you are a co. Be responsible and dutiful.
  5. Don’t ask for teams that may go over your capacity. Like for eg, you may only score 10k in a team event and you ask for a team which asks for 37k scores.
  6. Don’t be a “team jumper” or a “chest hopper”. This may damage your reputation of being a good player.
  7. Be loyal and be faithful towards your team. Always listen to leaders and coleaders, and make sure you fit in the requirements.
  8. Avoid getting to higher ranks by cheating others and hacking the game to get more scores. It’s against the ethical guidelines of any team.
  9. Do the activity that’s expected of you in the team by honest means. Always inform the leader if you’re out on a break or vacation.

I highly recommend:

FS-GP Results

Tournament 🥇 🥈 🥉
GP 1 Vereshchak [PR]linus Craggy
GP 2 GL|Fly DC|SB Craggy CanIntSpace
GP 3 Zorro Linus CanIntSpace
Flag Lookup

🇧🇷 Brazil
🇧🇩 Bangladesh
🇯🇵 Japan
🇳🇪 Niger
🇰🇷 South Korea
🇬🇱 Greenland
🇧🇿 Belize
🇱🇦 Laos
🇹🇳 Tunisia
🇬🇵 Guadeloupe
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan
🇳🇨 New Caledonia
🇵🇼 Palau
🇰🇮 Kiribati
🇨🇩Dem.Rep.of Congo
🇲🇭Marshall Islands
🇰🇳St. Kitts & Nevis
🇧🇦Bosnia& Herzegovina
🇵🇬PapuaNew Guinea
🇹🇹Trinidad & Tobago
Union Jack & Similar  
🇬🇧United Kingdom
🇨🇰Cook Islands
🇰🇾Cayman Islands
🇫🇰Falkland Islands
🇸🇭St. Helena
🇬🇸South Georgia
🇹🇨Turks & Caicos
🇳🇿New Zealand
🇮🇴British Indian Ocean Territory
Horizontal Stripes (Varying Widths)
🇰🇵North Korea
🇵🇫French Polynesia
2 Horiz. Stripes  
🇧🇫Burkina Faso
🇸🇲San Marino
3 Horiz. Stripes (White Middle)
🇸🇻El Salvador
🇸🇱Sierra Leone
3 Horiz. Stripes (Other Middle)
🇻🇪 Venezuela
4+ Horiz. Stripes  
🇨🇫Central AfricanRep.
🇨🇻Cape Verde
🇨🇷Costa Rica
🇸🇷 Suriname
🇺🇸United States
🇦🇽Åland Islands
🇫🇴Faro Islands
🇩🇴Dominican Republic
Mostly One Color  
🇨🇨Cocos Islands
🇸🇦Saudi Arabia
🇵🇲St. Pierre& Miquelon
🇲🇵NorthernMariana Isl…
🇭🇰Hong Kong
🇮🇲Isle of Man
🇻🇳Viet Nam
🇧🇱St. Barthélemy
🇻🇮U.S. Virgin Islands
🇦🇬Antigua & Barbuda
🇨🇿 Czech Republic
🇸🇽St. Maarten
🇸🇹Sao Tome& Principe
🇵🇷Puerto Rico
🇿🇦South Africa
🇸🇸South Sudan
Vertical Stripes  
🇻🇦Vatican City
🇦🇫 Afghanistan
🇹🇫French S. Territories
🇼🇫Wallis and Futuna
🇳🇫Norfolk Island
🇨🇮 Côte D’Ivoire
🇻🇨St. Vincent& the Grenadines
🇱🇰Sri Lanka
Server & Friend Invites
Team Philosophy

Gas Brake Go

We are an open team, so no password. If there is a spot available and the below resonates with you, you are very welcome to join - or feel free to join our even more relaxed team: Gas Brake Go² (Note: Gas Brake Go² currently on a break).

  1. We are an active and friendly team. There are no hard rules, but participating in all team matches and 100+km a week are good signs of activity. We try to keep it clean, be respectful, and support one another.

  2. Real life takes priority. If you have a problem preventing you from playing, let the team know. We are extremely understanding.

  3. In-game chat is the primary means of communication. Nevertheless, we also have a well maintained discord server and website.

  4. Relax and have fun! Rankings are secondary.

  5. Eat plenty fiber!! 😀

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