1. Be a good human being. Respect each and everyone. Treat everyone the same way you expect to be treated.
  2. No spamming when applying or otherwise.
  3. Never, ever ask for coleader post. You will get it when the team leader feels that you are worthy of it.
  4. No misuse of authority when you are a co. Be responsible and dutiful.
  5. Don’t ask for teams that may go over your capacity. Like for eg, you may only score 10k in a team event and you ask for a team which asks for 37k scores.
  6. Don’t be a “team jumper” or a “chest hopper”. This may damage your reputation of being a good player.
  7. Be loyal and be faithful towards your team. Always listen to leaders and coleaders, and make sure you fit in the requirements.
  8. Avoid getting to higher ranks by cheating others and hacking the game to get more scores. It’s against the ethical guidelines of any team.
  9. Do the activity that’s expected of you in the team by honest means. Always inform the leader if you’re out on a break or vacation.
  • With thanks to ℹ🅰Ⓜ#3420

