New vehicle: Glider

  • Unlocked upon purchase of December’s Premium Pass
  • Available for all users starting January, can be obtained through Legendary Chests

New Vehicle Masteries: Formula, Monster Truck, Rock Bouncer, Scooter

Signature Challenges: Set your own Signature Challenge and let other players compete with you from your player profile

Scooter is now a single-body vehicle

Scooter previously consisted of two separate parts (front and back) connected by a joint, which could bend under strong pressure. The single-body update improves Scooter’s performance and durability.

Motocross Mastery Tweaks

Core Balance has been adjusted to include increased front and rear suspension force, enhancing the stability and better compatibility with the Jump Shocks.


  • Daily Reward moved to the Shop
  • Win Streaks give Vehicle Mastery XP
  • Access Mastery Shop from your Garage
  • New driver outfit for MRS. V.I.P.
